Privacy & Management of Personal DataLearn the content you are curious about from our Betmatik general information pages.

Betmatik always aims to hide your personal information. Your name, adress, birthday and any other given information will be safe with us.  Betmatik, will always stick to the privacy rules where it`s customers located.

- Does your personal information has been taken from our website? ,

In order to inform yourself in this website if you ever typed something in here  it means you volunteretly given your information to us. If you are a already our  customer and you had a account on us, you need a password for entering the betmatik. For recording your password we use a 'login cookie' so you dont have to type your  password all the time.

- How are we going to use your personal information?

The usage of your personal information is leaded by data protection legacy. Betmatik, will use your personal information for given reasons: Managing your account, protection of your account and your records, to check the quality of the website and usage rate and show you the rates or products you might like, Your personal information will just used by the given reasons. For serve a better quality we will record every conversation we had through email or live support. 

- Permission

When you prove your personal information to the Betmatik you automatically accept the terms of usage for Betmatik, if you would like to restrain this permission`s please contact the live support or you can email us.

- General Information

In order to change of purpose for any of given information we will contact you as soon as possible and we will ask for your permission. The details of Betmatik users and where they operate, you can contect live support any time you need.












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