After logging in on the site, you can open the lobby by clicking on the "PLAY or LOBBY" button. If you click on "Closed Poker" in the lobby opening screen, you will be invited to "Salon 1". You can also access other halls from related links. These are made up of 20 tables each; Entertainment Hall, Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 3, Hall 4, VIP Hall. All lounges, except for the entertainment hall, have tables for playing real money. The entertainment hall includes tales to play with entertainment. In these halls you can see in brackets beside the hall names where you are playing. When you enter a saloon, you will arrive at the table next to you. Up to 5 people can be seated at each table. Table features next to each table; You can see Balance Type, Opening Amount, Minimum Balance and Average Pot. The explanations of these values are as follows:
-Balance Type: It tells you what type of balance the game plays on this table.
-Opening Amount: Amount you need to enter when the game starts (amount of entry) (see "STEP: INTRO").
-Minimum Balance: It is the minimum table betting amount. When you participate you can bet in at this minimum amount, and you will be taken out of the table when your balance drops below this amount at the end of the game.
When you specify the table you want to play, click on that table. When you are connected to the table, you can see a button on the places you can sit on them. After you click on the place you want, a screen opens asking you how much money you want to sit. Once you have entered the amount, your sitting on the table is completed.
The game starts when at least two players are on the table. Whoever is in the queue, his session information flashes and the bottom red bar shows the time of the queue. If this bar is exhausted and the user does not answer the question, the game is played by giving a negative answer (eg "Pas", "Enter", etc.) instead.
You will be asked whether you will join the game or not. Enter is indicated by the entry amount next to the option.
ENTER: It means that you are participating in the game. When you click this option, the amount of entry is deducted from your voucher and added to the game bonus. If all users ask this question then the game will continue in the "CARD DISTRIBUTION" phase if two or more people enter the game.
ENTERING: It means you have not joined the game. There will not be any loss in your sight. If you do not participate in two games in normal tale, you will be taken to the table. After asking this question to all users, if fewer than two players enter the game, the game is canceled and the money is returned to the user who entered the game.
2.2 STAGE: Card Pass Out:
In Turkish poker cards are dealt clockwise and the game is played clockwise. Five cards are dealt to each player who enters the game. Everyone can only see their own hand. On the game log screen, the user can still see only the self-distributed papers.
2.3 STAGE: Game Opening:
After the cards are dealt, they are asked in turn with INCREASE / PASS that they will not open the game. If your hand is open and you have a minimum of 2 KING, you will get both "Increase" and "Pass" options; If you do not open your hand, the only option is "Pass".
PASS: When you select the Rust option, the game will not open but you will remain in it. This turns to the other player who is not asked. If all the players have been asked this question and they all say "Rust", the game returns to the "LOGIN" stage. The money in the middle is kept hidden and everyone in this game is asked again to enter / enter and it is expected that they will be put back again. If you give the "Enter" answer to the new INPUT / INPUT question, the amount you entered will burn up and you will be out of play. If only one enters, he will win the middle money; in the case of two or more re-entry, the game enters the "CARD PASS OUT" phase.
INCREASE: This option is indicated by a box where you can specify the opening amount. If you click this option after determining the amount of opening, this amount will be subtracted from your van and added to the game bonus, the game will open and it will proceed with "1st BREAK" phase.
2.4. STAGE: 1. Incremental:
When a player enters the opening amount by putting the amount of opening, the player starts to increase. At this stage, the value of the cards in your hand is of no interest to the question you are asked. There will be three options as opponent PASS / ACCEPT / INCREASE: PAS: When you select the RAS option, you will be pulled out of the game. Your cards are taken and you are out of play. You can not get a share from the game bonus. If everyone is saying "Pass" except one person, the only person left in the game will win the game and the game is over.
ACCEPT: This option appears next to the acceptance amount. This amount specifies the minimum amount you need to reveal to be able to continue the game. When you accept this amount, this amount is deducted from your voucher and added to the game bonus. The turn passes to the other player. If all the players have revealed equal amounts and everyone has said "Accept", the game continues with the "CARD CHANGE" phase.
INCREASE: This option is indicated by a box where you can specify the amount of increase. After determining the increase amount, this option will be added to the game bonus by subtracting this amount from your display in the case of click, and you will be asked if you accept the increase (PASS / ACCEPT / INCREASE) you have made to all other players in the game.
2.5. STEP: Card Exchange:
At this stage all the players are asked to change the cards they want to change, and the cards they want to change are replaced with new cards. Each player has the right to change at most 4 cards. This question is indicated by the REPLACE CARDS button. Before pressing this button, you need to click on the cards you want to change. The cards you marked as crossed will change.
2.6. STEP: 2. Game Opening:
After the exchange of cards is completed, the players are asked in turn to ARTTIR / PAS that they will not open the game.
PASS: When you select the Rust option, the game will not open but you will remain in it. This turns to the other player who is not asked. If all the players have been asked this question and they all say "Rust", the game returns to the "LOGIN" stage. With the game bonus reserved, everyone in this game will be asked again to enter / enter, and expect to be put in again the amount of entry. If you give the "Enter" answer to the new INPUT / INPUT question, the amount you entered will burn up and you will be out of play. In the event that one person enters, he will win the game; in the case of two or more re-entry, the game enters the "CARD PASS OUT" phase.
INCREASE: This option is indicated by a box where you can specify the opening amount. If you click this option after determining the amount of opening, this amount will be deducted from your van and added to the game bonus, the game will open and continue with the "2nd INTERRUPT" phase.
2.7. STAGE: 2. Increase
When a player enters the opening amount by putting the amount of opening, the player starts to increase. At this stage, the value of the cards in your hand is of no interest to the question you are asked. There will be three options as PASS / ACCEPT / INCREASE:
PASS: When you select the Rust option, you will be pulled out of the slot. Your cards are taken and you are out of play. You can not get a share from the game bonus. If everyone is saying "Pass" except one person, the only person left in the game will win the game and the game is over.
ACCEPT: This option appears next to the acceptance amount. This amount specifies the minimum amount you need to reveal to be able to continue the game. When you accept this amount, this amount is deducted from your voucher and added to the game bonus. The turn passes to the other player. If all players have equal amounts and everyone says "Accept", then all players' cards are opened and the player with the highest value wins (see CARD VALUES).
This option is indicated by a box where you can specify the amount of increase. After determining the increase amount, this option will be added.